Amanda Gamban
Professor Knapp
English 1A
27 April 2013
Research topic: Fair Trade
If I could change anything in the
world I would want to change many things.
One of the things I would want to change the most in the world is to
stop our need for over-consumption and outsourcing to other countries. What
will solve this is problem is bringing awareness to people about the dangers
and horrific outcomes of outsourcing and to teach people about fair trade. Fair
trade is a solution that will not only prevent outsourcing but bring so many
other positive outcomes as well, such as a cleaner environment, create better
products and bring third world countries out poverty. Instead of the United
States and other first world companies only profiting from the worlds resources,
fair trade creates and equal opportunity for every other country as well.
We live in a society that has a
major demand to stay in trend, update ourselves, and have a fixation on
everything new. Why is that? Well we live in a country where we consume to help
create jobs, help our economy, and try to live in the life of luxury. That
sounds nice right? But what is our consumption really doing to the rest of the
world? Many people are unaware that our everyday choices are affecting the
lives of others, especially in developing countries. The reason being is that
major companies in the United States have gone over seas to get the cheapest
price of labor and don’t cause environmental effects in our hometowns. While
Americans and other first world countries are benefiting from the well priced
clothing and seasonal fruit that comes all year round, the rest of the world is
When we think about developing countries,
we imagine the poverty and the hardship they go through. There are
organizations and charities out there that help developing countries, but is
that the best way to help them improve? Emma Watson a supporter of Fair Trade
states, “[that] charity as wonderful as it is money runs out”. She visited the
Swallows of India and saw how fair trade jobs significantly helped those
people. For people in developing countries fair trade jobs do so much more that
give them more of the profit. Workers and farmers help rebuild their
communities and give them a positive outlook on life. When these countries are
building better communities they are creating a better way for there children
to be educated, better health care programs, and a cleaner environment.
What people need to be aware of is
that the consumer holds the largest impact on these Fair Trade companies. By
being aware of what is occurring in the rest of the world we can realistically
create a better world to live in. We hold the power to change how society
should really look at major corporate companies. Instead of buying what is
going to be in trend one minute and out the next we can buy not only for
ourselves but also for the sake of creating a better life for others.
Works Cited
"The Importance of Fair Trade Fashion - Emma Watson and Safia Minney."YouTube. YouTube, 13 Jan. 2011. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.